No sooner had I created this beautiful space for art and commerce, then one of the cofounders of Desert Mine Music, Sam Forrest told me that he's finally ready to release his non-blues SOLO album 'No Imagination'.
:: Sam Forrest ::
31 October 2010 / Desert Mine Music / 10 Trk CD
Sam Forrest (of Nine Black Alps fame) is very effectively forging his own solo career. With his work with Hayley Hutchinson via The Sorry Kisses gaining its own momentum, there’s no creative shortage in the mind and hands of Mr Forrest as this third full length solo album, supplies more promising, introspective observations. For the best part of the LP, the guitar is picked or bustles with hints of West Coast folk or whispers of Americana. “Homesick Lullaby” offers both accessibility and tuneful interludes, as elsewhere muffled explosions of rock noise appear in the distant background. “Second Doubts” is rockier, benefitting from the build up of effects and guitar hook lines – “Land Of The Free” is one of the prettiest songs to be found here, which given the soft sonic focus of the other tracks, is saying something. A distinctively pretty album, where brilliant sunshine is tempered by emotional baggage and distant storm clouds – Sam Forrest can’t really fail...